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Sermorelin Safely and Effectively Increases Production of Growth Hormone, Restoring Youthful Vigor, Vitality and Many Other Healthful Benefits.


Pharmacologic Class: Sermorelin is the structurally truncated analog of Growth Hormone Releasing Hormone (GHRH). It consists of the first 29 amino acids of the naturally occurring neurohormone that is produced in the hypothalamus.

Other names: Geref, GRF 1-29


What is Sermorelin?

Sermorelin Acetate is Growth Hormone Releasing Hormone (GHRH). It stimulates the pituitary gland to produce more Human Growth Hormones. Sermorelin is a bio-identical hormone, meaning it is a hormone identical in molecular structure to the hormones naturally present in the body. It therefore acts like hormones produced by the body. Unlike other forms of growth hormone treatment, Sermorelin increases the body’s production of Human Growth Hormone safely and effectively.


What is Human Growth Hormone?

Human growth hormone (often abbreviated as HGH or simply GH) is naturally produced in the pituitary gland and is responsible for cell growth and regeneration. Growth hormone plays an essential role in increasing lean muscle mass and bone density while also being important to maintaining the health of all tissues in the body – vital organs and the brain included. In children, growth hormone is vital to normal growth and development. However, after the body reaches adulthood, the body’s production of HGH declines. In the mature adult, production of growth hormone is significantly decreased.

A form of synthetic injectable HGH is often used to treat specific types of growth hormone deficiency in children and adults. However, direct growth hormone injections of this type are controversial when used for anti-aging therapy rather than for treating these illnesses. Therefore, Sermorelin Growth Hormone Therapy (which is not direct human growth hormone injections) is a preferred method of increasing HGH as it stimulates natural production of growth hormone through the pituitary gland.


Common Benefits of Sermorelin Growth Hormone Therapy

As we age, the pituitary gland produces less and less hormones. This leaves many individuals asking how to increase growth hormone. The purpose of Sermorelin Growth Hormone Therapy is to cause the pituitary gland to increase growth hormone production in the bodies of aging men and women to a more youthful level, thereby reversing many of the effects of aging. The common benefits of Sermorelin Growth Hormone Therapy are:

  • Increased production of human growth hormone
  • Increased development of lean body mass
  • Reduced body fat through lipolysis
  • Increased energy, vitality, endurance & strength
  • Accelerated healing from wounds or surgery
  • Strengthened heart
  • Enhanced immune system
  • Improved sleep quality
  • And more.

As this list indicates, the effects of Sermorelin growth hormone therapy and the increased human growth hormone production can be quite profound, helping to optimize an individual’s overall feeling of vigor and well-being.


How is Sermorelin used?

Sermorelin growth hormone comes in a multi-dosed, injectable vial. The vial contains a lypholized powder which contains Sermorelin Acetate. Bacteriostatic Water is mixed with the Sermorelin to provide solution for injection. It is very easy to self-administer a dose of Sermorelin. It is injected into the body fat, subcutaneously (just under the skin, not into the vein or muscle), using a very small needle. Sermorelin growth hormone therapy shots are initially administered for six days per week, but they are decreased in frequency over time.


When is Sermorelin used?

Since growth hormone is mostly released during sleep, the best time to take Sermorelin growth hormone therapy shots is before bedtime. Also, Sermorelin promotes sleep, so taking it during the day can make you tired.


What is the Normal Sermorelin Dosage?

The normal Sermorelin acetate dosage is in the range of 250 – 500 mcg per night.


How is Sermorelin Therapy Effectiveness Measured?

Your healthcare provider will monitor your symptoms and blood work to evaluate the effectiveness of the therapy. But of course, your personal experience with feeling a decline in symptoms is very important. Those with sleep problems often notice significantly improved sleep in just the first few weeks of use. And those with relatively normal sleep patterns often notice improved quality of sleep. At the same time, users typically report increased energy levels and improved mood. Within the first several months of Sermorelin Growth Hormone Therapy, users typically notice positive changes in their bodies, such as better muscle tone and a leaner appearance, as well as better skin tone.


How Long Does Sermorelin Take to Work?

Certain benefits of Sermorelin use are seen within the first several weeks. Other benefits of Sermorelin Growth Hormone Therapy take longer to notice, typically 3-6 months. Levels need to be sustained over time to get the full benefits of treatment, such as: increased lean muscle mass; reduced body fat; increased skin density and collagen production; increased bone density; enhanced immune system and cardiovascular function, pancreatic and liver function;and optimal increases in energy and vitality.


Do I Need to Take Sermorelin Forever to Keep Seeing Results?

Actually, no. After the initial “loading” period of 3-6 months, and optimal benefits are achieved, the subject goes on a maintenance program that no longer requires daily injections of Sermorelin. This also reduces the cost of the plan.

Sermorelin Growth Hormone Therapy has an ongoing effect in which optimal HGH levels can be sustained long after the last injection. Just like synthetic HGH, Sermorelin initially must be injected every day. Unlike synthetic HGH, once optimal levels are sustained with Sermorelin, injection frequencies can be decreased or stopped altogether. Once results are achieved, users are then typically switched to a maintenance protocol eliminating the need for ongoing daily injections while reducing the total cost of therapy.


*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.Medical disclaimer: This information is for educational and informational purposes only and may not be construed as medical advice. The information is not intended to replace medical advice offered by physicians. These products are sold for research purposes only and not intended to be used by consumers for bodybuilding purposes.




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    *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. VIP Nootropics / NootropicsRx / VIP Peptides products are for adults aged 18 and older. If you are pregnant or undergoing treatment for a medical condition, please consult your physician before taking any VIP Nootropics / NootropicsRx /  VIP Peptides products.  Some VIP Nootropics / NootropicsRx /VIP Peptides  products contain high purity research chemicals intended for use in neuroscience and laboratory research only and not for human consumption unless otherwise stated.

    All VIP Nootropics/NootropicsRx / VIP Peptides products are classified as "Generally Recognized as Safe" or "Unscheduled/Uncontrolled" by the Food and Drug Administration, meaning they are legal to possess without any sort of license or prescription.

    Medical disclaimer: The  information contained in this website is for educational and informational purposes only and may not be construed as medical advice. The information is not intended to replace medical advice offered by physicians.

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