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What Exactly is Noopept?

Noopept, (also known as Omberacetam and GVS-111)  is a nootropic substance of the racetam class.

Noopept is regarded as one of the most efficient nootropics today as it enhances both short term and long term functions. Noopept is associated with enhanced learning, enhanced mental clarity, better memory formation, increased focus, faster processing of information, and more effective communication between the brains. Noopept is one of the strongest and most effective Nootropics available.This is the reason why it is so popular among Silicon Valley tech companies, Wall Street boardrooms, and many students who do exceptionally well inside the classroom.

 Omberacetam is promoted and prescribed in Russia and neighbouring countries as a nootropic with neuroprotective properties.

 It is growing in popularity due to its effectiveness as a cognitive enhancing compound and because its active dose range is between 10 and 30 mg, which is much lower than compounds that offer similar effects such as the racetams. When compared to the traditional racetams, omberacetam has been found to be, according to studies, 1000 times more potent than the prototypical racetam drug, piracetam.

To supplement omberacetam, one should take 10 – 30 mg once a day for up to 56 days at a time with extended breaks in between each period of usage.

The effects listed below are based upon the  personal experiences of users:

Physical effects

Stimulation - The stimulation which omberacetam presents can be considered as primarily subtle and encouraged rather than forceful and distinct.

Spontaneous physical sensations - The "body high" which omberacetam presents can be described as a faint, all-encompassing, soft and consistent tingling sensation.


Visual effects:

Acuity enhancement

Acuity enhancement is defined as a heightening of the clearness and clarity of vision.


Colour enhancement - Some anecdotal reports state that it makes colours appear more vibrant. Colour enhancement is defined as an intensification of the brightness and vividness of colors in the external environment.


Cognitive effects:

Anxiety suppression

Anxiety suppression (also known as anxiolysis or minimal sedation) is medically recognized as a partial to complete suppression of a person’s ability to feel anxiety, general unease, and negative feelings of both psychological and physiological tension. The experience of this effect may decrease anxiety-related behaviours such as restlessness, muscular tension, rumination, and panic attacks. This typically results in feelings of extreme calmness and relaxation.



Wakefulness is defined as an increased ability to stay conscious without feeling sleepy combined with a decreased need to sleep.


Thought connectivity

Thought connectivity is defined as an alteration of a person's thought stream which is characterized by a distinct increase in unconstrained wandering thoughts which connect into each other through a fluid association of ideas. During this state, thoughts may be subjectively experienced as a continuous stream of vaguely related ideas which tenuously connect into each other by incorporating a concept that was contained within the previous thought. When experienced, it is often likened to a complex game of word association.


Focus enhancement

Focus enhancement is defined as the experience of an increased ability to selectively concentrate on an aspect of the environment while ignoring other things. It can be best characterized by feelings of intense concentration which can allow one to continuously focus on and perform tasks which would otherwise be considered too monotonous, boring, or dull to not get distracted from.


Thought acceleration

Thought acceleration (also known as racing thoughts) is defined as the experience of thought processes being sped up significantly in comparison to that of everyday sobriety. When experiencing this effect, it will often feel as if one rapid-fire thought after the other is being generated in incredibly quick succession. Thoughts while undergoing this effect are not necessarily qualitatively different, but greater in their volume and speed.


Motivation enhancement

Motivation enhancement is defined as an increased desire to perform tasks and accomplish goals in a productive manner. This includes tasks and goals that would normally be considered too monotonous or overwhelming to fully commit oneself to.


Memory enhancement

Memory enhancement is defined as an improvement in a person's ability to recall or retain memories. The experience of this effect can make it easier for a person to access and remember past memories at a greater level of detail when compared to that of everyday sober living.



Rejuvenation can be described as feelings of mild to extreme cognitive refreshment which are felt during the afterglow of certain compounds. The symptoms of rejuvenation often include a sustained sense of heightened mental clarity, increased emotional stability, increased calmness, mindfulness, increased motivation, personal bias suppression, increased focus and decreased depression.


Legal status

  • Australia: Omberacetam is not a Schedule 4 prescription drug nor is it on the list of poisons. It is currently being sold within the country.[citation needed]
  • Canada: Omberacetam does not have a Drug Identification Number (DIN), meaning that it cannot be imported for resale or distribution. Omberacetam is not scheduled nor controlled in Canada, making import for personal reasons legal.[citation needed]
  • United Kingdom: Omberacetam is illegal to produce, supply, or import under the Psychoactive Substance Act, which came into effect on May 26th, 2016.
  • United States: Omberacetam has no schedule assigned to it in the United States, making it unregulated and therefore legally available for anyone in the country to buy, possess and use.


*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Medical disclaimer: This information is for educational and informational purposes only and may not be construed as medical advice. The information is not intended to replace medical advice offered by physicians.  These products are sold for research purposes only and not intended to be used by consumers for any other purposes whatsoever.


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    *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. VIP Nootropics / NootropicsRx / VIP Peptides products are for adults aged 18 and older. If you are pregnant or undergoing treatment for a medical condition, please consult your physician before taking any VIP Nootropics / NootropicsRx /  VIP Peptides products.  Some VIP Nootropics / NootropicsRx /VIP Peptides  products contain high purity research chemicals intended for use in neuroscience and laboratory research only and not for human consumption unless otherwise stated.

    All VIP Nootropics/NootropicsRx / VIP Peptides products are classified as "Generally Recognized as Safe" or "Unscheduled/Uncontrolled" by the Food and Drug Administration, meaning they are legal to possess without any sort of license or prescription.

    Medical disclaimer: The  information contained in this website is for educational and informational purposes only and may not be construed as medical advice. The information is not intended to replace medical advice offered by physicians.

  / NootropicsRx / VIP Peptides © 2018 Black International Trading Company Inc. all rights reserved.

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