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What is GHRP-6?

GHRP-6 (Growth Hormone Releasing Hexapeptide), as its name indicates, falls into the category of Growth Hormone releasing peptides. As well as promoting fat loss and muscle building it also appears to have a significant effect in decreasing inflammation and aiding recovery from injury.

Is it, therefore, little wonder why GHRP-6 has become the peptide of choice for many bodybuilders and performance athletes?

Like other growth hormone releasing peptides, GHRP-6 signals to the pituitary gland to begin secreting Growth Hormone. Naturally, an increase in Growth Hormone also brings about an increase in IGF-1 levels.

What does GHRP-6 do?

GHRP-6 brings about the effects you’d expect from heightened Growth Hormone and IGF-1 levels; increased fat loss and muscle building. It’s worth remembering that Growth Hormone and IGF-1 will not only promote greater muscle hypertrophy (enlargement of existing muscle fibres) but will also cause muscle hyperplasia – an increase in the actual number of muscle cells.

GHRP-6 is also noted to bring about an increase in appetite in the period following an injection. Depending on the desired goals, this can clearly be an advantage or a disadvantage to the athlete and therefore something to keep in mind.

The anti-inflammatory properties of GHRP-6 are widely reported. It can be a particularly useful peptide for tendinitis, but it has proven itself to be effective for a whole host of injuries by helping to reduce the inflammation of the area and heal the injured tissue.


You will find most GHRP-6 available in 5 mg vials ready to be diluted with sterile water. Once the sterile water is added the vial must be refrigerated and ideally not be kept longer than a month otherwise the potency will begin to reduce.

Some simple math can ensure you dilute the GHRP-6 in a way which will make dosing the peptide easy. For example, if we add 2.5ml of sterile water to the 5mg vial of GHRP-6 it would result in 2 mg per ml of solution.

Also remember, 1mg = 1000mcg.

Research has shown that GHRP-6  taken two to three times per day, at least 30 minutes before a meal produced optimal results. Eating around the same time as GHRP-6 can drastically reduce the amount of GH released, so taking the peptide first thing in the morning and spaced in-between meals is a typical protocol under the supervision of a licensed pysician.

A dose of 100mcg (0.1mg), three times per day (300mcg per day total) is fairly common and effective. Using an example of a solution made to be 2mg per ml; this would mean each dose would require 0.05ml, which is marked as 5IU on a standard insulin syringe.

GHRP-6 is commonly taken alongside a GHRH (Growth Hormone Releasing Hormone) such as Mod GRF for more profound results. When taken together a much greater pulse of Growth Hormone is released from similar doses as those mentioned above, or a smaller dose can be taken to obtain similar results compared to taking GHRP-6 alone.

If you’re taking GHRP-6 purely to help recovery from injury, a much reduced dose is usually just as effective. A dose of 50mcg could be trialled daily and slowly increase as necessary.

As with Human Growth Hormone use, GHRP-6 is typically taken for an extended period of time, with a cycle lasting months rather than weeks.

Both subcutaneous and intramuscular injections are suitable when administering GHRP-6.

Anecdotally, reports of GHRP-6 side effects by users are scarce while being widely used and highly thought of among bodybuilders and athletes.


*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Medical disclaimer: This information is for educational and informational purposes only and may not be construed as medical advice. The information is not intended to replace medical advice offered by physicians.  These products are sold for research purposes only and not intended to be used by consumers for bodybuilding purposes.


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    *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. VIP Nootropics / NootropicsRx / VIP Peptides products are for adults aged 18 and older. If you are pregnant or undergoing treatment for a medical condition, please consult your physician before taking any VIP Nootropics / NootropicsRx /  VIP Peptides products.  Some VIP Nootropics / NootropicsRx /VIP Peptides  products contain high purity research chemicals intended for use in neuroscience and laboratory research only and not for human consumption unless otherwise stated.

    All VIP Nootropics/NootropicsRx / VIP Peptides products are classified as "Generally Recognized as Safe" or "Unscheduled/Uncontrolled" by the Food and Drug Administration, meaning they are legal to possess without any sort of license or prescription.

    Medical disclaimer: The  information contained in this website is for educational and informational purposes only and may not be construed as medical advice. The information is not intended to replace medical advice offered by physicians.

  / NootropicsRx / VIP Peptides © 2018 Black International Trading Company Inc. all rights reserved.

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