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Join date: Jan 11, 2022


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Connecting AirPods to a MacBook Air is so simple. Taken a few clicks, buttons and presses and you'll be listening to wireless audio. These are the following steps for connecting AirPods to MacBook:

1. Tap on APPLE MENU on the top left corner, and then click on System Preferences.

2. Tap on Bluetooth.

3. Click Turn Bluetooth on. Keep this window open for taken few next steps.

4. Both AirPods in the charging case open the cover. Press the centre button on the AirPods case until the light starts to blink.

5. Now, the AirPods will appear in the Bluetooth’s window. Click to Connect.

6. In a moment, the AirPods will be connected to your MacBook Air and now, you'll be ready to start listen music, phone calls or audios.

You Can Connect Two Pairs of AirPods to MacBook Air at Same Time?


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