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A: Your client is accessing the web service endpoint from your local machine ( Therefore, it will always respond to the requests from the local machine. If your web service resides in a remote machine then you'll need to have a URL to access it like so: Q: Is it possible to create this shape in flex? I have a table with two columns. The left column contains a link for the user to go to a certain page, whereas the right column is empty. Is it possible to have this empty column always be there without any content and have it still be clickable, with the whole left column being collapsed? You will need to use a custom component (i.e. a DisplayObject with a custom class extending Shape) and will need to alter the hit-test functions of the parent container. In this example the layout would look like this: And the code-behind would look like this: public function initialize():void { [Embed(source="images/minimize.png")] public var minimizeIcon:Class;




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