If you can't stand Revendreth then it's not a good idea to choose Venthyr because you're going to have to spend a lot of time in Revendreth. So that you don’t waste time thinking and searching, you can get a pro. The pro team from LFcarry will help you with this. I took wow level boost here. and frankly, these guys made the game cooler for me.
With LFcarry Pick your favorite covenant and you're going to have the most fun
If you're planning on jumping into Shadowlands with both feet and sticking with it for the entire expansion, then choosing the strongest covenant and switching to the next strongest one with every balance change is a perfectly reasonable way to play.
Choosing Night Fae because it's the strongest covenant for raiding as a Fire Mage is totally fine, but if Maldraxxus gets buffed and you actually hate the Night Fae you're probably going to have a really bad time.
If you can't stand Revendreth then it's not a good idea to choose Venthyr because you're going to have to spend a lot of time in Revendreth. So that you don’t waste time thinking and searching, you can get a pro. The pro team from LFcarry will help you with this. I took wow level boost here. and frankly, these guys made the game cooler for me.
With LFcarry Pick your favorite covenant and you're going to have the most fun
If you're planning on jumping into Shadowlands with both feet and sticking with it for the entire expansion, then choosing the strongest covenant and switching to the next strongest one with every balance change is a perfectly reasonable way to play.
Choosing Night Fae because it's the strongest covenant for raiding as a Fire Mage is totally fine, but if Maldraxxus gets buffed and you actually hate the Night Fae you're probably going to have a really bad time.